Heat Recovery Plants – Compacting Technology

VeCon Pioneers firstly applied compacted Charging in Heat Recovery Coke Making Worldwide

Compacting of coal in heat recovery coke making is totally different from conventional slot oven coal cakes. This is mainly related to the different dimension parameters. To produce coal cakes, which are quite narrow in height but large in width, VeCon developed totally new compacting concepts to fulfill both, process and customers demand.

Despite the cycle times in heat recovery coke making are quite high compared to slot ovens, the process times are most important. This is also true for the compacting machine. Therefore, VeCon constantly optimized their compacting technology to come to most efficient time cycles for coal layer filling and compacting. Meanwhile, we can offer different concepts of compacting:

  • Vibration
  • Stamping

In both cases, the complete compacting machines are isolated from the surrounding structure in order to avoid bad influencing. The choice of the applied technology is mainly depending on the individual project requirements.